. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 1Docum ent Versio n 2009 -03 Model No.
KX-DT321 Thank yo u for purch asing a Digital Proprietary Teleph one (DPT). Please re ad this m anual carefully before us ing this produc t and save thi s man ual for fut ure use.
For more d etails, p lease refe r to the ma nuals of the PBX. Accessories (included).1.1 For e xtra orders f or the accesso r ies. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 2Location of Controls 2 Docume nt Version 20 09-03 Location o f Controls KL J IM A G H E F B D C O P N. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 3Location of Controls Do cu m ent Ve r si o n 20 0 9- 03 3 A LCD (Li qui d Cr ysta l Displa y) with Bac klight B A UT O DIAL/ST ORE: Used f or System/P ersonal Sp eed Diali ng or storing program chang es. C A UT O ANS (A uto Ans wer)/ MUTE: Used to rece iv e an incom ing call in hands-free mode o r mute th e microp hone/handset du r ing a conv ersa. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 4Sett ings 4 Document V ersion 20 09-03 Settings.1 If you hear your own voice through the handset or headset, decrease the volume.2 The ring tone pattern of pat terns 09 to 30 is the same as pattern 01.3 The default setting is Automatic. Speaker volume While in a hands-free conv ersation Press Up to increase or Do wn to decrease the vo l u m e.
Panasonic Manual Kx Tge260
Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 5Features List Do cu m ent Ve r si o n 20 0 9- 03 5 Feat ures Li st Icon Mean ings = Flexi ble button = Off-h ook = On-ho ok = Feature numbe r = Talk = Confirmation Ton e Makin g Calls Call ing T o an extension T o an outside party Redial Quic k Dialin g One-tou ch Dialing To s t o r e To d i a l ( CO ) C. Tone extension no. (CO) outside phone no. R. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 6Features Li st 6 Document V ersion 20 09-03 During a C onver sation P ersonal Speed Dialing To s t o r e To d i a l System Speed Dialing To d i a l Doorphone Call Call Hold T o hold T o retrieve a call at the holdi ng exten sion T o retrieve an outside call from another extension Call T ran sfer personal speed dial no.
(2 digits) desired phone no. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 7Features List Do cu m ent Ve r si o n 20 0 9- 03 7 Useful Feature s Setting the Te lephone According t o Your Needs Multiple P arty Con versatio n T o add o ther parties during a con versation (i.e., conference) T o leave a conference Do Not Disturb Timed Reminder T o set T o cancel T o stop or answ er the ring back desired phone no. Talk to the ne. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 8Features Li st 8 Document V ersion 20 09-03 Before Leavi ng Your Desk Making Us e of the Voice Mail Se rvice Ca ll F orw ardin g Listening to a message Fr om yo ur own e xtension. If yo u have no passwor d, you ca n skip the last ste p. Note: VPS = Voice Processing System From someone else’ s extension. If yo u have no passwor d, you ca n skip.
Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 9Features List Do cu m ent Ve r si o n 20 0 9- 03 9. Consult your dealer for more details regarding f eature numbers. It is possib le to ass ign fle xible butt ons as feat ure buttons.
Control panel/button names and descr iptions can be f ound in 'Location of Controls' on page 2. Leaving a message During pl aybac k Repeat V oic. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 10Connection 10 Document Vers ion 2 009-0 3 Connection Note: In the il lustration below, the telephone li ne cords are routed for wall mounting. When using the stand, refer to 'Attaching the Stand' and 'Cabling' on page 11 for telephone l ine cabling. Consult your dealer f or more details about Digital XDP. CAUTION: When conn. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 11Stand Usage Do cu m ent Ve r si on 20 0 9-0 3 11 Stand Us age Attaching the Stand Place the c atches ( ) of the stand into hooks lo cated in the unit.
Gently push the stand in the direct ion in dicated u ntil it locks i nto place. The stand will be mount ed in the hig h positio n. Remo ving the Stan d Hold t he stand w ith both hands. Gentl y ro ta. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 12Stand Usage 12 Document Vers ion 2 009-0 3 Adjusting from High to Low Position Hold the stand with both hand s as sho wn and rotate the stand in the dire ction indic ated until it locks into the low position ( ). Adjusting from Low to High Position Hold the stand with both hand s as sho wn and rotate the stand in the direction indicate d until it l.
Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 13Wall Mounting Do cu m ent Ve r si on 20 0 9-0 3 13 Wall Mountin g 1. Remov e the stand if it is attached. F or informatio n on removing the st and, refer to page 11. Drive the 2 scre ws (included) into the w all either 83 m m (3-1/4 in) o r 100 mm ( 3-15/16 in) apa r t, and mount the unit on the w all. Y ou can find a wall mounting template.

Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 14Important Inf ormation 14 Document Vers ion 2 009-0 3 Imp orta nt In format ion When using a KX-DT321 DPT, keep the following conditions in mind. If y ou are having problems making calls, unplug the e xtension line and connect a kn own working telephone. If the known working telephone operates properly, hav e the def ective telephone repaired.
Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 15Important Inf ormation Do cu m ent Ve r si on 20 0 9-0 3 15 WARNING: TO P REVEN T P OSSIB LE FI RE O R EL ECTRI C SH OCK, DO NOT EXPO SE TH IS UNI T TO RAIN O R MOIS TUR E. THIS HANDSET EARPIECE IS MAGNET IZED AND MAY RETAIN SMALL FERROUS OBJECTS. THE USE OF EXCESSIVE SOUND VOLUME THROUGH EARPHONES, HEADP HON ES, OR HEADS ETS MA Y CAUS E HEAR ING L. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 16Important Inf ormation 16 Document Vers ion 2 009-0 3 Important Safety Instr uctions When using this un it, basic safety pre cautions, including those below, should always be followed to reduce t he ri sk of fire, electric shock and injury to persons. Read and understand all instructions.
Follo w all warnings and instructions m arked on this. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 17Important Inf ormation Do cu m ent Ve r si on 20 0 9-0 3 17 FCC and Other Information F.C.C. REQUIREMENTS AND RELEVANT INFORMATION This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits f or a Class B digital device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide r easonable protection against harmful interf. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 18Important Inf ormation 18 Document Vers ion 2 009-0 3 Customer Informatio n This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and t he requirements adopted by the ACTA. O n the bottom of the cabinet of this equipment is a label t hat contains, among other information, the following product identifier: US: ACJ KXNANK X -DT32 1 If requested, this. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 19D o c u m e n t Ve rs i o n 2 00 9 -0 3 19 WALL MOUNTING TEMPLATE 1.
Drive the screws into the wall as indicated. Hook the unit onto the screw heads. Note: Make sure to set the print size to correspond with the size of this page. If the dimensions of the paper output still deviate slightly from the measurements indicated here, use the measuremen. Panasonic KX-DT321 - page 20PS Q X 4 6 96 Z A - U U (A) KK 0 30 9 YH0 ( M ) Panasonic Consumer Electro nics Comp any, Division of Pa nasonic Corpora tion of North Americ a One Pan asoni c Way Sec aucus, N ew Jersey 0709 4 http:/ /www.panasonic.c om/csd Copyright: This material is c opyrighted by Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd., and may be reproduced f or internal use only.
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